Eager to make it as an investor, Hunter Thompson was up for any vehicle that has risk-adjusted returns with predictable income and results. After the European Debt Crisis, which caused great volatility in the US stock market, it became apparent to him that real estate is the key. Hence, he became a full-time real estate investor. Hunter started by pooling funds from family and friends and to date, he has raised $20 million in private capital. He is the host of the Cash Flow Connections Podcast, which helps investors with the intricacies of commercial real estate. Today, he shares how to grow an investor database, nurturing leads, choosing operators and the pros of mobile home parks and self-storage.
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Key Market Insights:
Originally from Memphis, Tennessee
Moved to California to become a professional poker player
Poker looks at things on a risk-adjusted basis, which is key to any business endeavor particularly real estate
Stock Market – no accurate prediction regardless of due diligence
Became a full-time real estate investor after the European Debt Crisis which greatly affected the US stock market
Real Estate has risk-adjusted returns that create predictable income and results
Why Real Estate? Simplicity of the investment and accurate due diligence even without a massive firm
Founder of Cash Flow Connections, and host of Cash Flow Connection Podcast
Challenge on First Deal – uncommon niche that requires a paradigm shift
Tips on Scaling: Build an infrastructure that nurtures leads through sophisticated and educational contents
Tips on Effective Content: 600-1000 word article, and automated emails
Effective emails are consistent and add significant value, not spammy
Growing an Investor Database: Network Events, Podcast, Email Marketing, and Blog Articles
Identifying a Key Market: Diverse employment, demographic shift, growing metropolitan, 30 minutes away from Charlotte and Atlanta
Tertiary Assets such as mobile home parks and self-storage are recession-resistant assets
The worst the economy is, the more demand is for affordable housing and storage
Mobile Home Parks – affordable resulting in more demands; however it has less competition
How to Choose An Operator: Verify ownership, check track record and due diligence
Passive investment vehicle gives you more diversification
Passive Investing – identify best sponsors, capitalize on their expertise, exclusion from further liabilities
Hosting the first Intelligent Investors Conference on Nov. 10 and 11
Bull’s Eye Tips:
Winning Investors: Just go and focus.
Tracking Market Changes: Talk to smart people every day.
Daily Habit: Goal setting, and meditation.
Deep Work by Cal Newport
The One Thing by Gary Keller
Making Massive Money in Mobile Home Parks with Kevin Bupp
Six Due Diligence Questions Passive Investors Should Always Ask by Hunter Thompson
The Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs by Hal Elrod and Cameron Herold
Double Double by Cameron Herold
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Connect with Hunter:
Website: https://cashflowconnections.com
Email: info@cashflowconnections.com