Our Latest News & Articles
How to Investigate Utility Expenses

How to Investigate Utility Expenses

Trust, but verify. Trust, but verify. When it comes to due diligence on a multifamily acquisition, you can drop the trust and solely focus on verifying the information you’ve received. On every deal we’ve done, we’ve found financial “inconsistencies” during the due...

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20 Best Multifamily Marketing Strategies

20 Best Multifamily Marketing Strategies

  The multifamily market keeps getting more competitive as the real estate industry evolves and grows. Therefore, multifamily property managers need to use effective marketing strategies to boost their business and remain relevant.  This blog post covers...

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Most Downloaded Episodes of 2021

Most Downloaded Episodes of 2021

In 2021, we released over 100 episodes of Multifamily Insights (formerly Target Market Insights: Multifamily + Marketing). We’ve had a wide range of guests sharing their best insights on multifamily, marketing, branding, and mindset. While there are helpful insights...

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How I Closed on My First Large Apartment Complex

How I Closed on My First Large Apartment Complex

Recently, we closed on a 192-unit apartment complex in San Antonio, Texas. This is by far our largest deal to date and I’ve had quite a few people ask me how we were able to acquire such a large deal. Before I can answer that question I have to dispel a myth about how...

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4 Reasons Everyone Should Invest in Real Estate

4 Reasons Everyone Should Invest in Real Estate

We have become a nation of renters driven primarily by a lack of affordable housing. However, there’s a growing buzz that renting is actually better than owning. More and more people are choosing to rent, even though they can both afford to purchase a home and can...

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Walk Before You Crawl

Walk Before You Crawl

"Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up." - Dean Karnazes Over the weekend, my 9-month old finally began crawling, much to our delight. After watching him rock back and forth on all fours for weeks, he finally mustered up the...

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