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Video Marketing for Social Media with Chris Weiher

Passive Multifamily Investing

Video marketing is a powerful tool to connect with new leads and convert clients. In 2019, users spent a weekly average of six hours and 48 minutes watching online videos. And this number can only be expected to increase in 2020. Social media videos have steadily gained popularity, evidenced by the rise of Tik Tok and the launch of Instagram Reels.

YouTube and Facebook are the social media kings of video content and video marketing, but Chris Weiher prefers LinkedIn. Chris is the owner of Cleaver Creative, a video production firm that helps brands turn viewers into buyers. Chris’s video edit company was being driven by word of mouth, but he knew he needed to start marketing to attract new business. He was familiar with the power of video and realized it’s true strength when he used video marketing for LinkedIn.

“There are so many professionals who are there with a purpose to build their business, find a new job or network with other professionals,” says Chris. In addition, LinkedIn still delivers strong organic engagement. LinkedIn videos are a great way to market your business to a targeted audience.

In this episode with Chris, we discuss the importance of video marketing, leveraging video for social media, how to create the content your audience really wants, and how to avoid the 5 biggest mistakes people make using video marketing.


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Key Insights on Video Marketing for LinkedIn

For ideas on video content, write down 10 frequently asked questions from your customers/clients

YouTube works well for ‘how-to’ videos. LinkedIn and Facebook shine with shareable videos.

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Bullseye Tips:


5 Biggest Mistakes I See in LinkedIn Videos

Apparent Failure:

Getting laid off from my video production job was the single best thing that happened to me as I love being in business for myself.

Digital Resource:

Trello (Team collaboration software)

Most Recommended Book:

The 4-Hour Work Week

Daily Habit:

Using time tracking software

Wish I Knew When I Was Starting Out:

It’s easy to be positive when things are going well

Current Curiosity:

Doing more A/B testing for Facebook ads

Best Place to Grab a Bite in Chicago, IL

Pizza Art Cafe

Contact Chris:


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