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Podcast Marketing Insights with Adam Adams

Podcasts have grown to over 1,950,000 shows with over 47 million episodes. As more people discover podcasts, the opportunity to build a personal brand and connect with others is increasingly growing. Although podcasts are a great form to connect with others. Podcast marketing is a challenge. Adam Adams is setting out to help with podcast marketing.


Adam Adams is a multifamily investor and marketer who will teach you how to grow your show. One of the challenges with podcast marketing is discoverability, so Adam has devised a process to help podcasters grow their audience. Adam Adams is a syndicator and podcast host of The Apartment Investing Show.


Adam is passionate about meetups, social media, and podcasting. In this show, he shares how he grew his meetup to get invited to’s Headquarters. He also shares best practices for podcast marketing, and tips to grow on social media.


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Marketing Tips to Grow Your Audience

Convey to your meetup attendees what they will be missing if they don’t attend the next event.

I want to put all my eggs in a basket that will be beneficial for everyone.

Focus your marketing efforts (money) on your most popular episode that is getting the most traction.


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Ep. 63 How to Network through Social Media with Adam Adams


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Grow Your Show

Free Podcast Equipment Guide

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