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How to Take Full Control of Your Retirement Plan with Damion Lupo

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Many real estate investors get into real estate to supplement their retirement plans from their 401k and IRA accounts. Retirement planning is a key component to financial freedom, yet our current financial system is shackling many investors, according to Damion Lupo. He goes as far as to call the current financial model modern-day slavery. The big banks don’t want you to know about the tools you can use to create financial freedom and control your own money. That’s why Damion created a tool to help investors break free from the chains of big financial institutions to control their own retirement funds through his eQRP tool.


Damion is an entrepreneur and owner of 50 companies and the best-selling author of 11 books. He sees how financial institutions control where Americans invest their money and how they feed off of investors for their own personal gain. He explains the limitations that come from a 401k and while an IRA, particularly a Self-Directed IRA has more options, there are still limitations.


Damion shares his views on the financial services industry, why he feels the eQRP is a better fit than a 401k or SDIRA, and how UBIT (Unrelated Business Income Tax) may impact investments through a retirement account.


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Key Takeaways

Finance is modern-day slavery

Are you going to be first, cheaper, or better than your competition?

Financial institutions are not there to make you rich, they are there to feed on you.

Typically, a 401K gives you options for mutual funds and is very limited. An IRA has more options, but you’re still limited.

Wall Street and financial Institutions don’t want you to know that you can control your money and not pay their fees.


Partner: Text “EQRP” to 72000 and receive a special eQRP report on taking control of your retirement money


Bullseye Round


Apparent Failure:

Losing 20MM in 2008 was one of the greatest gifts ever because it forced me to learn the lessons and be better.


Digital Resource:

The ‘off’ button (turn off your phone, computer, TV, etc. and just think)


Most Recommended Book:

Your Greatest Power (Martine Kohe)

Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment (George Leonard)


Daily Habit:

Connecting to nature


Wish I Knew When I Was Starting Out:

How little I knew and surrounding myself with smart people.


Curious About Right Now:

How long it will take to disrupt our financial system with Defi and cryptocurrency.


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Contact Damion:


Free eQRP Book (Get checkbook control of Your 401k & IRA Money)



Other Resources:

How to Bounce Back from Failure with Damion Lupo – Target Market Insights Episode 30

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