If you’ve heard the phrase, your network is your net worth, the logical follow up is how do you build a rich network? The old rules of networking didn’t work for Travis Chappell so he launched his podcast, Build Your Network to discover the most effective strategies. His show has become a top 25 podcast and he shares his best tips for networking and succeeding as a podcaster.
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Key Insights
Host of the Build Your Network podcast
Helps 6 and 7 figure business owners amplify their message through podcasting
Teaching the new ways of networking
Bad Networking: The Art of Schmoozing, Immediacy Term Focus
Don’t focus on the immediate value of a relationship, focus on the long-term connections
Tips for Networking: Focus on connecting with people at your level, at a higher level and at a lower level than where you are currently
Hosting a networking event in Vegas for $99 – buildyournetworklive.com
People will give you the time of day to be on your platform
Hosting a podcast allows you to borrow credibility from guests
Master adding value to others and you will never have a problem building your network
#1 tip to grow an existing podcast: be a guest on other podcast
Bull’s Eye Tips:
Failure to Future Success:
Water machine dealership
Most Recommended Book:
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker
Most Recommended Digital/Mobile Resource:
Daily Habit
Learning – Books or Podcasts
Wish I Knew Starting Out
Started a podcast sooner
Current Curiosity
Creating content on Youtube
Best Place to Grab a Bite
Build Your Network Live – Nov. 8-10
Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell
Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins
Tweet This:
“I don’t have to tell people that I’m an expert”
“Don’t focus on the immediate value of a relationship, focus on the long-term connections.”
“Stop treating a people game like a numbers game.”
“If you’re not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you waited too long to launch”
Connect with Travis:
Website: Travischappell.com
IG: @travischappell
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